Contractor Reporting Form

Please enter your full name:
Please enter your phone number:
Please enter your email address:
Please select the month for which you are reporting for:
Select the Contract you are reporting for:
Enter the total number of hours worked by workers at the project site this month, according to your records: Male: Female:
Enter the total number of workers who worked at the project site this month, according to your records: Male: Female:
Any update to the OHS Management Plan?:
Attach OHSMP updates or changes (Supported file types: pdf, doc & docx):
Attach the Safety Officer's Monthly Report (Supported file types: pdf, doc & docx):
Attach the other Safety Documents (Supported file types: pdf, doc & docx):
Leading Indicators
 NumberRate (per 40 hours)Positive% Positive
Enter how many people were INDUCTED this month
Enter how many people were COMPETENCY ASSESSED this month
Enter how many people received NEW SKILL TRAINING this month
Enter how many people received OHS training this month
Enter how many people received HIV/AIDS training this month
Enter how many people received GBV/VAC training this month
Health Checks
Site health and safety audits
Safety briefings
Drug checks
Alcohol checks
HIV checks
Risk Identification
Near misses
Stop work actions
Traffic management inspections
Completed investigations
New risks identified
Suggestions for improvement identified
Lagging Indicators
 NumberInjury rate (per thousand hours)  
Fatal injuries   
Notifiable injuries or incidents   
Lost time injuries or illnesses   
Medically treated injuries or illnesses   
First aid injuries   
Injury with no treatment   
Traffic accidents involving project vehicles equipment  
Accidents involving non-project vehicles or property   
Environmental incident   
Escape of a substance into the atmosphere   
Utility or service strike   
Damage to public property or equipment   
Damage to contractors equipment   
Worker leaving site due to safety concerns   
Staff on reduced alternate duties   
Total fatalities and injuries   
Overall Total   
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