Press Release

9th August 2024

Community Consultation for Four New Bridges in Malaita Underway

The Ministry of Infrastructure Development (MID) are moving ahead with community consultations and the establishment of the Community Advisory Committees (CACs) for the improvements to four Malaita bridges (Kolofe1 and Kolofe2 Bridges on North Road and Su’u Harbor and Bira Bridges on South Road). These projects are part of the World Bank-funded Second Solomon Islands Roads and Aviation Project (SIRAP2).  

The CACs will play a vital role in ensuring community members are actively involved in the implementation of these new bridges, which are expected to benefit local communities, businesses, and families. Currently, MID, the SIRAP2 Project Support Team, the Contractor, and the Supervision Consultant are conducting a series of consultations near the project sites. The consultations will provide essential information on the works, including introducing the contractor, China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation (CCECC), and will formally establish the CACs.

The CACs will also receive training on various project aspects including safeguards, contractor’s obligations, construction phases, and monitoring and reporting procedures for community consultation plans.

The objectives of the consultations are to: (i) provide a process for stakeholder participation, including planning and design, consultation, awareness raising, and monitoring, (ii) establish easily accessible and effective grievance redress procedures, and (iii) ensure transparency in all project activities.

Allan Lilia, Permanent Secretary of MID, stated that, “The advisory committees will assist the Ministry in ensuring affected communities have real ownership and input into the works, which will ultimately support the successful implementation of the four new bridges."

In addition to the four new bridges, SIRAP and SIRAP2 are also rehabilitating 38 kilometers of North and East Roads and constructing three new bridges (Koa, Bio1, and Bio2) in Malaita, upgrading 10 kilometres of Noro Roads, Honiara and Munda Airports, and Santa Cruz (Lata) Airfield, investing in air navigation systems in Makira-Ulawa and Temotu Province, and supporting regional airport maintenance.

